Consider an incompressible two-dimensional viscous flow over a curved surface. Let the pressure distribution on the surface be p(s)=2+sin\left ( \frac{\pi}{2}+s \right )\;N/m^2,where s is the distance along the curved surface from the leading edge. Find the distance from where the flow separates.

Consider an incompressible two-dimensional viscous flow over a curved surface. Let the pressure distribution on the surface be p(s)=2+sin\left ( \frac{\pi}{2}+s \right )\;N/m^2,where s is the distance along the curved surface from the leading edge. Find the distance from where the flow separates.

Kisan Kumar Asked on 30th December 2019 in Aerodynamics.
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  • 1 Answer(s)

    p\left ( s \right )=2+sin\left ( \frac{\pi}{2}+s \right )

    The graph of the above function is


    From the graph we easily see that at s = \pi there will be adverse pressure gradient.So the separation will start from this point.

    Kumar59 Answered on 30th December 2019.
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