Consider an airfoil in a wind tunnel (i.e. a wing that spans the entire test section). Prove that the lift per unit span can be obtained from the pressure distributions on the top and bottom walls of the wind tunnel (i.e., from the pressure distributions on the walls above and below the airfoil).

Consider an airfoil in a wind tunnel (i.e., a wing that spans the entire test section). Prove that the lift per unit span can be obtained from the pressure distributions on the top and bottom walls of the wind tunnel (i.e., from the pressure distributions on the walls above and below the airfoil).

techAir Asked on 31st October 2019 in Aerodynamics.
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  • 1 Answer(s)

    We denote the pressure distributions over the upper and lower walls by \(p_{u}(x)\) and \(p_{l}(x)\) respectively.

    Wind TunnelFigure : Wind Tunnel

    \(p=p_{\infty}\) and \(v=0\) (Assuming faces \(ai\) and \(bh\) are far enough upstream and downstream of the model such that \(p=p_{\infty}\) and \(v=0\))

    \[L = – \mathop{{\int\!\!\!\!\!\int}\mkern-21mu \bigcirc}\limits_s
    {\left( {\rho \overrightarrow {v} \cdot \overrightarrow {ds} } \right)} v \; – \iint\limits_{abhi} {\left( {p\overrightarrow {ds} } \right)}y\]

    Here first integral = 0 , because \(\vec{v}\cdot \vec{ds}=0  \) or because \(v=0\).

    Therefore \[{L^\prime } = – \mathop{{\int\!\!\!\!\!\int}\mkern-21mu \bigcirc}\limits_{abhi}
    {\left( {p\overrightarrow {ds} } \right)} y = – \left[ {\int_a^b {{p_u}dx \;- \int\limits_i^h {{p_l}dx} } } \right]\]

    \[\Rightarrow{L^\prime } = \left[ {\int_i^h {{p_l}dx \;- \int\limits_a^b {{p_u}dx} } } \right] = 0\]

    Worldtech Answered on 31st October 2019.
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